Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy 3 month anniversay Brakston!!

Well, today marks 3 months since we've been home with Brakston, that's just unbelievable!! I posted some pictures of him "reading." (of course, the book is upside down) To celebrate, I got out one of my Language Scales that measures the abilities of children under the age of three. I'm happy to report that Brakston falls in the 15-18 month age range for Language Comprehension and Language Expression, not bad for someone that's getting ready to turn 1 and heard a completely different language the first 8 months of his lift. I guess our all day speech sessions are working (just kidding, but I do feel sorry for him, it seems like I'm always asking him to do something.)
Brakston now dances on command (a must see, it's just too cute) and signs "more" when he wants something, spontaneously. The other day I was getting him up from a nap, and he's signing more like crazy, turns out, he wanted a snack. He imitates every animal sound known to man and is starting to say them when I ask him "How does a ________ go." When he hears the dogs bark, he says "dog," or "woof." He can also sign "ball" now, but it looks a lot like "more."
It's been a wonderful 3 months, and I'm so happy that I've gotten to stay home this summer. I'm already dreading going back to school, but, at least it's only 3 days a week. The joy Brakston brings to our lives is amazing, I don't think I've ever seen Boomer smile so much. We are truly blessed beyond measure.


side of fries said...

He is just too cute!!!!!!!!!! I join you in your heartache over having to return to school! Royal bummer.

Candy said...

Hi I am Candy, Mom to Kya Blu and Jagger Jett...I am Cassie and Troy Wagners Best Friend....I was so excited to find out Troy had a cousin that had adopted from Guatemala. So I may be CRAZY but did you all stay at the Marriott for Pick up and did you all visit any. I was there for a week each month from Sept 07-May son came home May look really familiar...any who NICE to BLOGGER meet you and my email is I would love to chat with you sometime. HUGS

Aileen said...

Brakston is adorable, as always! You guys came home just two days before Ben was born, apparently, since Ben celebrated being 3 months old on the 18th. Enjoyed your blog and please come by and see ours if you get a chance: