Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy 10 months home Brakston!!

Today Brakston has been home for 10 months!! We are spending the day watching Thomas videos in my office as I try to list a bunch on eBay. You can't really tell it, but Brakston is actually sitting on Harley in the one picture, poor Harley.
It seems like Brakston has changed a lot in the last couple of weeks. He talks non-stop (except when I want him to talk to someone) and really seems to understand stuff now. He now goes to bed much easier, he tells me "night night" and then I can leave the room. I think he understand that I'm still there, just in the other room. His new thing is that he says "bye bye" (or "die die" in Brakston speak) and then says "See ya." I guess I must say that a lot. Today while we were at Kroger, he kept saying "arm arm" and I look down and his arm was stuck in his coat sleeve, I didn't even know that he knew the word arm.
His favorite thing right now is carrying around picture frames. I'm going to make him his own photo album this week. He names everyone in the pictures, including himself, which is "baby." He calls cousin Grant "baby" too.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful son. He brings us so much joy.
We went to the children's museum last week, me, Brakston, KK, and Yoce (Joyce). How many kids have the 3:1 ratio when they go out? We had a blast and I took lots of videos. He loved digging in the dinosaur area, he had a brush and kept brushing the kid's hair that was next to him. He liked the slide in Lego Land the best. He's going back in March when he spends the weekend with KK and Joyce. They have so much planned, I don't know when he'll sleep. They have schedules of their friends and Bonnie and Mel, Nona and Joe, and Aunt Lacy are all coming over to play with him. He won't want to come home after all of that!!

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