Friday, September 5, 2008

For my wonderful husband....

These pictures are from our first family trip to the zoo on Labor Day. Don't my men look cute!!
I just wanted to take a minute and blog about my wonderful husband. I was talking to my grandma this week and she said that she thought that parenthood and really "changed" LT. I disagree, I don't think it's changed him, I just think he shows his softer side more now that Brakston's here.
The reason for this blog is because LT and I had a conversation this week that really made me think. It was about a couple we know and how it seemed like the husband wasn't thinking of his wife's needs, or safety and I said "there's never been a single time that you haven't taken care of me" and I think my poor husband was absolutely speechless (amazing, I know)......but it's true. LT has this tough exterior,but inside, he's a "fixer." He wants to make everything right. I remember when I had to testify in court a couple of years ago and LT didn't like how my car sounded so he rented me a car for the day because I had to drive all the way to Martin County to the courthouse. When Morgan, our beloved white boxer, died right before my birthday two years ago, he searched the Internet until he found a black boxer puppy because he knew that I had always wanted one, and he drove to Missouri to get him (he told me he was taking our friend to pick up his Harley, which was true, and that's how Harley got his name) and he surprised me when he got home. He put up with me during Brakston's adoption process, he probably deserves a medal for that. He arranged a babysitter on my birthday without me knowing and we had our first dinner date without Brakston since we had come home from Guatemala. He decided a Mini Cooper was just too small for the three of us, and too hard to lug a baby around in, and bought me a new car (He now drives my truck). Most of all, he always, always, keeps me, now us, safe.
It's funny, when my mom met my dad in highschool, she decided that he was it, she found who she was going to marry, and that was that. That's exactly what I decided after my first date with LT. He was it, I knew it immediately. He was what I wanted, and I'm stubborn and usually get what I want. We had a couple of breakups, but I just knew.
I love life right now. I love watching him with Brakston. I love being a family of three.
It's amazing to me that LT and I met 11 years ago and will soon be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversay. Time goes by so fast. So, this blog is for my beloved husband. I'm pretty sure Brakston thinks he's great too. This morning when he got up, he signed "more" and then said "dad." I thought maybe it was a fluke, but at lunch today when I went to take his plate away, he signed "more," so I gave it back and he continued eating so I think this morning he really wanted more of his dad (LT usually gets him up, but since he was sick, I was at home and LT was already at work.)

1 comment:

side of fries said...

I always knew he was a big softie. Great post.